
RISC-OS applications to provide a Wimp$Scrap resource for networked clients.
Parent Directory

Acorn 02-Aug-1991Acorn.zip4KVarient of Acorn's !Scrap.Sets up a scrap directory within the !NetScrap application using a SetScraputility to set the paths.
Fails if the user doesn't have write access to the !NetScrap directory.
Allan Kealey 20-Jan-1992AKealey.zip4KSets up a scrap directory in the user's home directory.
Fails if the the user doesn't have write access to their home directory. Ifa user is logged on at several machines, they all use the same scrapdirectory.
JGH1 20-Jun-1998JGH1.zip5KSets up a scrap directory within a ScrapDirs directory within !NetScrap.
Fails if the user doesn't have write access to the ScrapDirs directorywithin !NetScrap. Depends on *GetStnNum being available in the runpath, egin the Library.
JGH2 20-Jun-1998JGH2.zip6KTries to set up a scrap directory somewhere where the user has writeaccess. Tries the users' home directory, then within the !NetScrapapplication.Fails if the user doesn't have write access to their home directory anddoesn't have write access to the ScrapDirs directory within !NetScrap.Depends on *GetStnNum being available in the runpath, eg in the Library.
Nelson2.3021-Aug-1998Nelson.zip5KSets up a scrap directory within the user's home directory.Fails if the user doesn't have write access to their home directory. If auser is logged on at several stations, they all use the same scrapdirectory.

Hosted by Force9 Internet- Authored by J.G.Harston- Last update: 31-Aug-2000