MDFS::Software.JSW.JGH.Patches/htm Search

Bugfixes and patches to the JSW48 Game Engine

These patch files can be applied with HexPatch.

Attic Attic.hex Remove the faulty arrow in the Attic
GameExit Exit.hex Exit Jet Set Willy with SS-Space without clearing memory.
NoPassNoPass.hex Remove the password code, releasing memory.
Pause Pause.hex Interface 1 Pause bugfix.
RoomNumRoomNum.hex Display room number. ?'s patch moved to the password code area.
Rooms Rooms.hex Allows 7-bit room numbers
Teleport Teleport.hexA different teleport system
Wall WallL.hex Allow Willy's head to move leftwards through walls
Wall WallR.hex Prevent Willy's head moving rightwards through walls
Willy WillySP.hex Allow room-specific Willy sprite