MDFS::Info.Comp.BBCBasic.ProgTips Search

BBC BASIC Programming Tips

Comparison of various prime number algorithms.
Tokenising BBC BASIC program code.
Format.txt Determining BBC BASIC file format.
BBCFile BBC BASIC code to read and write Acorn format BASIC data files written and read with PRINT# and INPUT#.
BBCFile.vb *NEW* Visual basic code to read and write Acorn format data files written and read with PRINT# and INPUT#.
BBCFile.c *NEW* 'C' code to read and write Acorn format data files written and read with PRINT# and INPUT#. NOTE - UNTESTED, PROBABLY CONTAINS ERRORS.

Any of this code can be used in your own programs. If you use it in a commercial product, please acknowledge the source in the documentation.

Hosted by Force9 Internet - Authored by J.G.Harston
Last update: 19-Oct-2009