MDFS::Software.Tube.6502.CUBE Search

CUBE Software and Resources

Control Universal Systems: CUBIT, EuroCUBE-65, EuroCUBE-09, EuroBEEB.

Control Universal of Cambridge took over Acorn's rackmount/Euroboard systems in about 1982.
  • The CUBIT microcomputer was purchased board by board from Control Universal to produce a 6502-based computer using the standard Acorn bus in a Eurorack. The CUBIT was a developed from the Rockwell AIM 65 to produce a system that could function as an SBC or be linked to Acorn Eurocards.
  • EuroCUBE-65 is a 6502-based Eurocard SBC compatible with the languages available for the BBC Micro, notably BBC BASIC.
  • EuroCUBE-09 is a 6809-based version allowing FLEX to run on the CUBE Eurocard systems. With BeebFlex the EuroCUBE-09 can be used as a BBC 6809 second processor.
  • EuroBEEB is an enhanced version of EuroCUBE-65 designed as a stripped-down, industrially presented version of the BBC Micro, lacking sound generation and speech synthesis, essentially an extendable Eurocard rackmounted Beeb.
  • BEEBEX is an extension card permitting BBC Micros to interface to CUBE Eurocards.
    Lee Davison has amassed a large amount of CUBE and EuroBEEB parts and documentation. Jules Richardson also has an amount of CUBE parts, but has not documented any of them yet.

    cube65.png 34K 6502 CPU card circuit diagram, redrawn by Lee Davison.
    6502 CPU card MOS ROM. To programs the MOS looks just like the BBC MOS with entry points at &FFxx to the usual BBC routines. In addition to the normal support for sideways ROMs at &8000, the CUBE MOS supports a standard sideways ROM program at &C000 and at &E000, as well as a sideways ROM program stored at an arbitary page-aligned address in RAM. The MOS ROM takes advantage of this to include Control Universal Graphic Terminal at &C000 and MOS and other code at &E000.
    The EuroCUBE-65 and EuroBEEB can be plugged into a BBC or Master computer and used as a 6502 second processor. They do not connect to the Tube port, but to the serial port. The EURO-Beeb Terminal ROM provides the equivalent functionality of the standard Tube code for the BBC or Master.
    BeebEx.gif 151K BeebEx circuit diagram.

    Hosted by Force9 Internet - Authored by J.G.Harston
    Last update: 12-Feb-2008