FSCV - Filing system control

This vector is only called by the operating system, and should not be called directly. This list just shows the full list of calls that filing systems should implement.

&00*OPT X,Y
&01EOF on channel Y being checked with OSBYTE &7F. On exit, X=&FF if EOF, X=&00 otherwise. If Y=&00, (ie, EOF#0) action is implementation specific.
&02*/ command. XY points to the command text.
&03Unrecognised OSCLI. XY points to the command text. The command has already been offered to the paged ROMs via service call &04, and none have responded.
&04*RUN command. XY points to filename.
&05*CAT command. XY points to any pathname.
&06A new filing system is about to take over. This call is generated by filing systems themselves before they start their initialisation.
&07File handle range request. Lowest returned in X, highest in Y.
&08OSCLI command being processed. This is used to facilitate the *ENABLE command.
&09*EX command. XY points to any pathname.
&0A*INFO command. XY points to the object name.
&0B*RUN from library. XY points to the filename.
&0C*RENAME command. XY points to the object names after the command.

Calling from BBC BASIC

  • =EOF#ch  
  • calls OSBYTE 127,ch on 8-bit systems, which calls FSC &01.

    Entry points

    There is no entry point to FSC. It is called by other parts of the system in response to other calls, and should not be called directly via the vector.

    This page last updated 11-Aug-2006