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Date   : Fri, 01 Aug 2003 18:46:13 +0200
From   : Robert Schmidt <rschmidt@...>
Subject: Re: Doc Project

This reply applies both to Jon (when he gets a scanner :-) and everybody 
in general:
"The BBC Lives!" can provide the server space for all Acorn related 
material (also pre-Beeb).
Note however, that uploaded scans should be "reasonably" sized for 
everyday fanboy usage, say, max 500 KB per page for magazines, less for 
large books, more for smaller booklets/ads (if the detail is relevant).  
I can't provide the space for "absolute" digital preservation!  Wouter's 
online scans seem OK for me: 

Uploads are accepted into ftp://ftp.nvg.org/pub/bbc/incoming.  In 
general, please accompany uploads with an email, especially if you 
haven't been in touch with me before!  Smaller contributions (< 5 MB) 
can be e-mailed.
If many files are involved, or directory structures are needed, zip 
everything first.

Please leave the actual page numbers in the file name and let me know 
the origin, even if only partial magazine scans (e.g. articles) are 
submitted.  I'll prefer to organize scans in a 
Title\Volume\Issue\###.[gif|jpg] hierarchy.  I'll most likely *not* 
create individual web pages and thumbnails for each issue, at least 
until somebody points me to a simple HTML/thumbnail generator.


Jon Ripley wrote:

>I have a small ton of BBC/Elk/Master related books including a few rare
>items. Hobbit tape drive + manual, etc.
>I also have almost or indeed every issue of Acorn User, Micro User,
>Electron User and Let's Compute and permission from the publishers to
>reproduce any and all non-commercial software that ever appeared in any
>of them. The official line, when I asked eight years ago was that any
>articles could be reproduced only with the original authors permission.
>But for non-commercial reasons most people might be happy with fair use,
>after all these all contain a huge amount of very useful information
>that is today, to my knowledge, totally non-viable commercially.
>I also have permission to reproduce for non-commercial purposes the
>software that was also included in Acorn Programs, Archimedes World, A&B
>Computing and any Acorn related magazine that the rights to were bought
>by IDG Media.
>There is also a big pile of magazine and user group disks that are not
>available anywhere else to my knowledge such as the Solinet User
>Group disks. I could image all of these at some point when I have the
>time. But I suspect that Ron Marshall would fight to the death to
>prevent these ever being released.
>I don't have a scanner and my hard drives are tiny and usually half
>knackered not to mention the PeeCee I currently have. When my hardware
>gets a major upgrade I may be able to contribue more. When I get
>broadband, a server and a fixed IP I would be willing to provide server
>It is a great pity that I have all this and cannot share it as yet.
>Jon R.

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